Tuesday 13 March 2007

My First Blog

That sounds so Fisher Price, doesn't it?

Hi, my name's Carl, and this is my first ever blog. Way to come late to the party, huh? I guess I never really felt a need to be published - until now!

Well, let's give this blog thing a whirl.

I'm 30 years old and from England but I've lived in Japan (Fukuoka area) for the last 8 years or so. My Japanese isn't perfect, but it's good enough to fool some Japanese on the phone and online into thinking I'm one of "The Natives"! (^_^) I'm married to a closet gamer. Well, toilet gamer. (^_^; My wife gets a lot of game time on DS Tetris, Zookeeper, Brain Age, those sorts of games. But you won't catch her playing Biohazard 4 (I hate the name Resident Evil - sounds like Evil is a guest in a hotel!) or Earth Defence Force 3 like I do.

I've been playing games ever since my Dad bought a BBC "B" Micro back in the early '80s. I have a lot of memories of typing in program listings for arcade game clones into that computer. I've had and still have a lot of old gaming systems since then including the Sega Megadrive, Saturn, PS1, PS2, PC Engine and loads more. I mostly play PS2 and Xbox 360 stuff nowadays.

My favourite games include:
    Sonic the Hedgehog 1-3 and Sonic CD,
    The Legend of Zelda series,
    Playing 2P co op Earth Defence Force 1 and 2 with my good friend Evan (come back to Japan and let's team up on the 3rd game!),
    Ridge Racer,
    Eternal Darkness,
    Chrono Cross (sorry Trigger fans - I prefer Cross over Trigger!),
    Most of the Final Fantasy games.
    Ooh, God of War and Halo as well!

Not Halo 2 with its disappointing storyline - ptooie!

I'm not really sure what exactly I'll be writing about, but obviously there'll be games galore, especially ones that don't get covered so much by the press - I played a couple I liked recently; Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy and Kya - Dark Legacy.

Like Milky on the 1UP Editors' Blogs, I'll probably rant about stuff that has nothing to do with games, such as being a foreigner in Japan. Much as I love it here and wouldn't swap it for going back to live in England, there's a whole lot of weirdness and "Huh? Why are things like this?" in Japan. Look forward to it!

That's it for today;

Hope you have a great day wherever you are,
and Happy White Day to all of you out there in Interwebland!

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